
We have many opportunities to engage with our local community.

Pupils regularly visit the local parks in Compton and Otterbourne. Some classes can be spotted in the local supermarket stocking up on drinks and snacks on their weekly visits using the school mini buses.


Volunteers are always welcome into school, be it on a regular basis helping out in class, or tending one of the gardens in school. If you are interested in volunteering with us, please contact Megan Burden at

Business in the Community

Our partnership working extends to local businesses – various companies have supported the school through community based projects such as decorating, gardening, building raised flower beds, volunteering etc.  This has extended our profile, has been mutually beneficial and great fun!  If you are a company browsing our site and are interested – please do get in touch.  We provide very good chocolate biscuits!


Christchurch in Winchester is a vibrant and active Church of England church which has a strong commitment to working with young people.  This includes the leading of assemblies in school.  The Schools team visit on a termly basis and present an assembly on an agreed theme.  On occasions the vicar comes too!

The team members adapt very well to the needs of our pupils and deliver excellently planned, differentiated topics underpinned with a Christian message.  These occasions are well received by children and staff and provide variety, interest and excitement.

Winchester College

Pupils from Winchester College regularly visit the school – usually weekly, to support activities in class.  This has been very successful as again it is of mutual enjoyment and benefit.  As part of their community support programme, students also help on specific occasions such as the school fête and sports day.



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