School Uniform
The school has a uniform consisting of:
- Grey trousers / skirt / joggers / shorts
- Tee shirt / Polo Shirt (white)
- School sweatshirts (blue or red)
- Sensible, flat shoes and grey / white socks or tights.
- In the summer girls can wear blue / red gingham dresses.
PE Kit
- Tee shirt and shorts
- Plimsolls / Trainers
- Swimming costume and towel
We do ask that all items are clearly named – not only do we have most children dressed in the same clothing, boys school shoes come in a surprisingly narrow range of options. There are many opportunities for children to be in barefoot in school and it is nothing unusual to find some poor teaching assistant trying to match up 10 pairs of shoes to 10 children.
We absolutely understand that for some children clothing is a sensory hurdle and for this reason school uniform is not mandatory – children will always be in the best place to learn if they are not struggling with other distractions. If possible we would encourage all children to wear school uniform; it is a helpful visual cue and gives a sense of belonging.
The school encourages pupils to be as independent as possible in dressing / undressing so the fewer fiddly fastenings the better, especially for the younger children and those children undertaking the transition from pads to toilet. If your child is being toilet trained it is helpful to have a plentiful supply of their own clothes in school in case of accidents – spare clothing does not have to go backwards and forwards with your child day we can keep it on their peg and send it home if it should need to be laundered.
School Uniform can be ordered on line at or from their shop in Eastleigh.
We strongly discourage the wearing of jewellery on Health & Safety Grounds. If parents have a particular query they should contact the Headteacher or Deputy Headteacher.