The Friends of Shepherds Down Association (FOSDA) is made up of Parents, Grandparents, members of Staff, Governors, former Governors and people who have the interests of the school at heart.
We are a registered charity who’s aim is to raise funds to support the school to provide an enriched environment for the children at the school. We are both a social and a fund raising organisation and holds a number of annual events; the main ones being a Summer Fete and in conjunction with parents the Christmas Fair. The Christmas Fair gives the children an opportunity to buy presents for their families as well as meeting Father Christmas himself! There is a grand raffle and many stalls with a wide range of goodies. The Summer Fete also provides a number of stalls and there are always several attractions to make the event a fun and interesting day out for all the family.
Another regular fund-raiser is Quiz Night, which is a popular (if challenging) evening and we have also held very successful Golf Days. Throughout the year there might be one or two occasions for parents to meet socially, this year we have held two very successful barbeques and are planning more for the year to come.
Money raised by FOSDA goes towards items which are very valuable to the children’s education but which cannot always be afforded from the School’s Budget. In addition to this money we receive donations from local benefactors and also apply to trusts and businesses for particular projects.
Do please contact the School if you are interested in helping – you would be very welcome.