Shepherds Down School

Achievement, Fulfilment, Enjoyment

Who’s Who & Attendance to Meetings

Our Governing Body

Please click below to see who currently sits on our Governing Body

Governing Board March 2024

Attendance to Governing Body Meetings

Full Governing Body Meetings are held roughly once every half term, sometimes more frequently. All members are expected to attend unless they have informed the clerk of a valid reason for their absence prior to the meeting.

Minutes of Full Governing Body Meetings, although not published on this website are public documents which can be obtained from The Clerk to the Governing Body, Trudy Hill who can be contacted though school at

Full Governing Body Attendance 2023 – 24

Full Governing Body Attendance 2022 – 23

Full Governing Body Attendance 2021-22

Full Governing Body Attendance 2020-21

Full Governing Body Attendance 2019-20



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